(Review from FindMySoft) Nowadays, PDF is the most popular file format for storing and distributing documents. That's because PDF files have a small size, they cannot be modified as it's the case with DOC files and they can be viewed using a simple application. Still, there is a problem regarding PDF files and that's the fact that they can't be read on many mobile phones or media devices. Besides that, a PDF reader should be installed in order to be able to read PDF documents. For all these problems, PDF To JPG Converter is the solution.
The name of the software doesn't need a description because it's intuitive enough. It's a software that can convert any PDF file into an image format. Thus, the PDF document can be viewed on any operating system and virtually any media device, without the need to install special software, like Adobe Reader.
It's a Windows application that follows the trend of other Windows applications, having a point and click installation wizard. Running the program will display a welcome window, which lets the user know what button he should press in order to start the conversion process. PDF To JPG Converter allows adding more PDF files at once and converting them automatically, one by one. Any type of PDF file is supported, no matter what application was used for creating it.
PDF To JPG Converter is compatible with the most used image formats, like BMP, GIF or JPEG, each of them having its own quality settings. Besides that, the user can select the number of pages that should be converted to image files. He can convert some or all the pages contained by a PDF document. He can also choose the path for saving the converted image files.
It can convert any type of PDF document into a wide range of image formats, using various quality settings. Besides that, more PDF files can be imported into the program at once, including PDF folders. Furthermore, the user can choose to convert some or all the pages contained into a PDF document.
PDF To JPG Converter allows converting more PDF files at once into various image formats, making them easier to read.
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